Ticks are unpleasant creatures that like to make a home in our pets’ fur and skin. Dogs are susceptible to tick bites and tick-borne diseases, and they can experience dangerous side effects. Stay on top of protecting your furry friends by following these tips!

Perform Regular Tick Checks on Your Dog
If you and your dog were exploring an area that may have had ticks, make sure that you are carefully inspecting your dog once you’re indoors. Check your dog’s entire body and pay extra attention to areas like the ears, armpits, neck, and head. Symptoms may not be noticeable right away, so make sure you are also monitoring your pet for behavior changes. If your dog is lethargic, limping, or lost their appetite, they may have been bite by a tick.
Keep Up with Your Yard Work
Ticks enjoy hiding in tall grasses, so make sure that you are regularly cutting your lawn. They can also hide in piles of leaves or leftover clippings, so be sure that you are raking and removing the collections from your yard. Taking the extra steps to maintain a clean yard, helps keep ticks away from your yard by eliminating the places for them to hide.
Use Tick Prevention Products
Before choosing a tick prevention product, it’s always a good idea to ask your veterinarian for their opinion on what they think is best for your dog.
Tick prevention collars are easy to use, but they might not be the best choice for an active dog. If your dog spends a lot of time playing with other dogs, this can increase the chances of other dogs ingesting the chemicals on the collar.
Groom Your Pet Regularly
One of the best ways to keep your dog free from ticks is to groom them regularly. Grooming allows you to actively keep an eye out for any physical warning signs of a tick bite. If you want to make sure that your pet is experiencing top-notch grooming, check out our grooming services available for your pet to enjoy during their stay!
At Tailwaggers Country Inn, your dog’s health and happiness is our top priority. That’s why we offer a safe place for them to socialize and play. For any questions about our daycare, boarding, or grooming services, give us a call at 1-877-774-DOGS.