For some people, pets are extensions of their families, and life without them can seem unimaginable. Deciding whether to travel with your pet is always a hard decision to make, but it’s important to remember to make one with your pet’s safety in mind. Below are some reasons why you may want to consider leaving your pet behind on your next vacation:
Sensitive to Routine
According to the Humane Society, it may be enticing to bring your pet along with you on your next adventure; however, many pets become sensitive to change and can either grow anxious or become aggressive when stripped of their normal routine. It is advised that the pet be left with a trusted kennel or sitter in the owner’s home.
Drastic Temperature Changes
With the cooler weather approaching, your pet will need more than their coat of fur to keep safe and warm. Short-haired and hairless pets are even more prone to the cold, and even worse, more prone to frostbite. The opposite also holds true: hot weather poses the question of whether to bring your beloved fur baby along with you, especially since water sources are limited. A good rule of thumb is this: if you feel as though you may be uncomfortable in any of the described weather conditions, then your pet will be uncomfortable too.
Battling Illness
Travel can cause pets stress, and removing them farther from their comfort zones can add flame to the fire. If your pet is injured, or battling a serious or chronic illness, the best decision may be to leave them at home or with a trusted kennel.
General Travel Restrictions
Some airlines and hotels do not accommodate travelers with pets. Many campgrounds and marinas also do not allow pet transport. Keep abreast on the latest travel information that top airlines and hotel companies post on their websites in regard to pet travel.
Tailwaggers Country Inn understands that travel limitations are often unavoidable. That’s why we provide a nurturing environment and an accommodating atmosphere that is not just comforting to your family pet, but also to you. You can have peace of mind knowing that your pet is enjoying group socialization activities, eating a healthy meal, swimming in a clean, filtered pool, and is in good hands.
For more information, contact us today.